Analysis is made on the causes of crack formation of prestressed concrete structure and on the influencing factors on its structural durability, and given the preventions. 分析造成混凝土结构裂缝的主要原因及裂缝对混凝土结构的耐久性的影响程度.并提出了预防和控制混凝土结构裂缝的工程措施。
Mechanism of Crack Formation During Continuous Casting of Peritectic Steel Slabs 包晶钢铸坯裂纹形成机理的实验研究
State 13 Block Crack Formation Mechanism and Distribution Characteristics of Simulation at Reservoir Mining 州13区块裂缝形成机理与分布特征模拟及在油藏开采中的应用
Based on in-depth analysis of reflective crack formation mechanism, this paper gives reflective crack preventive and curative measures. 本文在深入分析反射裂缝形成机理的基础上,提出了反射裂缝的预防及治理措施。
Discussion on crack formation and prevention in spot-cast reinforced concrete floor-slab 浅谈现浇钢筋混凝土楼板开裂成因及防治措施
The main method to control crack formation is to utilize the techniques from design, construction and material, which can control the crack size within a safe scope. 裂缝控制的主要方法是通过设计、施工、材料等方面综合技术措施将裂缝控制在无害范围内。
For over-long reinforced concrete frame structure, temperature loading often leads to crack formation of the beams and plates. 对于超长钢筋混凝土框架结构,变温的作用常常导致混凝土梁和楼板的开裂。
By observing and analyzing cold punching process at the factory, the cause of the crack formation was found. 通过对冷冲压过程的实地观察分析,找准了裂纹产生的原因。
Fatigue crack formation and propagation lives of structural members are predicted with the damage increment as the step length. 有限元解法,以损伤划分步长预估了构件疲劳裂纹形成与扩展寿命。
The study on critical strain for internal crack formation in continuously cast strand was reviewed. 综述了连铸坯内裂纹形成的临界应变方面的实验室研究工作。
Nickel and copper elemens on crack surface showed crack formation during forming process. 在部分双卡簧片折弯处发现有尖锐凹角并有明显微裂纹,裂纹表面有镍和铜,说明裂纹是在成形加工过程中形成。
In this paper, we demonstrate the thermal crack formation and its working condition. 本文论述了热裂纹的形成与工作条件。
This article, through analysis of forming mechanism of longitudinal concave on the position near the corner in internal arc of continuously cast slab, points out the cause of corner crack formation on continuously cast slab, and discusses factors affecting corner crack formation on slab. 本文通过对连铸坯内弧近角部位置上形成纵向凹陷机理的分析,指出了连铸板坯角部裂纹产生的原因,并讨论了影响连铸板坯角部裂纹产生的因素。
Research on Fatigue Crack Formation of Notched Specimen 缺口件疲劳裂纹形成特性研究
The creep fracture is controlled by the crack formation and crack propagation. The creep fracture data can be analysed by the Monkman-Grant relationship. 蠕变断裂受孔洞及裂纹的形成和扩展所控制,且蠕变断裂数据符合Monkman-Grant关系。
The paper puts forward the corresponding measures for prevision of cracks from the study on crack formation mechanism. 该文从裂缝形成机理的研究,有针对性地提出了预防裂缝出现的相应措施。
The effect of the shape of electrode tip on crack formation and sticking were investigated. 研究了电极端部形状对焊点产生裂纹及粘结的影响。
The main factor of the crack formation in concrete of pump stations is analyzed and the mechanism of the crack on concrete of pump stations is studied. 分析了水工泵站混凝土裂缝形成的主要原因,研究了水工泵站工程混凝土的开裂机理。
The author analyzed the crack formation of reinforced concrete floorslab cast-in-place and put forward the preventive and controlling method. 针对现浇钢筋砼楼板裂缝形成进行了分析,提出了预防治理的措施,与方法。
The causes for crack formation and splinter occurrence in TiC-high manganese steel bonded carbides were investigated by means of SEM and metallographic analysis. 利用扫描电镜与金相观察等分析方法,研究了碳化钛高锰钢结硬质合金在焊接和使用过程中产生裂纹与碎片的成因。
The mechanism of crack formation caused by the 'pegs' is also discussed. 文中还分析了裂纹产生机制。
Further calculation shows that as the casting speed increases, crack formation decreases and the casting speed temperature effect. 拉速增加,裂纹形成机率减少,浇注温度对裂纹的影响不显著。
Research on Blasting Strain Wave and Rock Crack Formation with Modeling Technique 爆炸应变波和裂缝形成的模型试验研究
The calculation of fatigue life of speciment under random load and corrosion fatigue test of speciment in the sea water is made. The crack formation life has also been calculated. 并进行了随机载荷作用下试件的疲劳寿命估算和海水环境中试件的腐蚀疲劳实验及相应的裂纹萌生寿命估算。
Proper heat-treatment and grinding process can be chosen to improve grinding conditions and to prevent or avoid crack formation. 进而选择适当的热处理工艺和磨削规范,改善磨削条件,就可以防止和消除磨裂,提高生产率。
The cause of crack formation in construction of prefabricated T beams of a certain prestressed bridge is analysed. 分析了某预应力桥梁预制T梁施工裂缝产生的原因。
The concrete strain distribution, the crack formation and its development rule on the damage surface are summarized. 总结出破坏斜面上混凝土应变分布及裂缝的形成和发展规律;
Fatigue crack formation of the outer surface of the sample expand to the inner showing radial. 疲劳裂纹在试样外表面形成后,呈放射状向内部扩展。
Crack formation is the integrative action because of mechanics behavior and metallurgical property in continuous casting. 裂纹的形成是连铸过程中力学因素和冶金特性综合作用的结果。
At present, there are few reports about crack formation mechanism and methods of avoiding cracks. 目前,国内外有关裂纹产生的机理和如何有效防止裂纹产生的报道较少。